ran counter 2012.08.01
Games are a specific part of the decision making game theory, understood as a mathematical theory of conflict situations. The objective of game theory is to develop guidelines for the rational actions of each participant of the conflict. Game theory in games should be seen as a decision-oriented approach to optimize decisions in conflict situations. The problems that we encounter in-game decision-making are more complex, than they deal with a simple opymalizację. This follows from the fact that the participant must rapidly consider the game - how to achieve as much as possible, taking into account the fact that the objectives of other participants in the game may be different from its purpose, and their actions have an impact on each of uczestbników game. Participant game encounters an optimization problem with conflicting objectives, incompleteness and uncertainty of information, by permanently changing circumstances. There must reconcile their goals and plans, not only with their own desires, skills and abilities, but also with the desires, skills and abilities of others.